Crack & Joint Caulking

Protect your concrete by sealing joints and cracks

To protect concrete slabs that haven’t settled and to maintain settled slabs that have been lifted and leveled, sealing joints and cracks is the best way to prevent your concrete from future settlement problems. Over time cracks develop in concrete because of the voids underneath your slab. Voids are created because of poor soils, compaction and water intrusion. Water intrudes through unsealed control and expansion joints. If the crack has a height difference the concrete will need to be lifted and leveled before repairing the crack. Idaho Concrete Lifting will level the concrete through our Poly Lift and Level Process. After leveling the crack, our highly skilled team will repair the crack and fill it with our specially formulated flexible caulking.

Idaho Concrete Lifting
will level the concrete through our Poly Lift and Level Process.

How Idaho Concrete Lifting will repair the crack:

  • We will clean all joints and cracks from debris.
  • Caulking will be installed in the joints and cracks.
  • Then several passes of spoon troweling will ensure a perfect end result.
  • A coat of sand is applied to make it resemble the surface texture of your existing concrete.

The benefits of our concrete joint sealing and crack repair system are:

  • 50% more flexible than the competition
  • UV stable
  • Won’t crack, harden, or dry out like others
  • Last up to 20 years
  • Watertight seal
  • Eliminates erosion under concrete slabs that lead to voids and concrete settlement
  • Prevents oversaturation of soils under concrete that lead to concrete settlement
  • Keeps the joints and cracks free of debris and weeds
  • Detours ants and bugs from living under the concrete slabs
  • Beautifies the concrete

Seal & Protect Your Concrete with Idaho Concrete Lifting!

Our specially formulated, commercial-grade silicone-based concrete caulk outperforms common polyurethane fillers with superior adhesion, 50% more flexibility, and UV stability—ensuring it won’t harden over time. With a lifespan of up to 20 years, our crack fillers provide long-lasting protection. Call (208) 912-0027 today for a free estimate!